Cloud Computing saves you time and expenses:

At eTrepid we understand the cost and headaches that come with running a business. Not having the ability to maintain your work environment often limits your ability to grow in the future. With managed cloud computing you get the functionality you need to expand your business as well as the capacity to give yourself and employees the tools needed to communicate and thrive on a regular basis.

Cloud Computing offers your business unlimited flexibility and opportunity for growth:

The best feature of the cloud is that fact whether you are on a plane, at your home office or any location —- your employees can do more and collaborate better without having to physically be in the office working together face to face. From video chat to text messages, the remote access to file servers and applications, the functionality of having a file that needs to be uploaded or downloaded using any internet-connected device creates ease of work.

Cloud Computing means you never pay for more than you need:

Having this ability means you are scaling your company’s services quickly and seamlessly. Virtualization enables your business to have resource allocation, it also allows you to maximize the efficiency of energy usage.

Cloud Computing minimizes the hassle of migration as well as cost:

Changes come about in any small business from having to configure your server, migrating your data and applications to upgrading platforms you need for daily business>activities. There is always the risk of potential complications. At eTrepid we help you minimize the cost of experiencing downtime, we minimize the potential of losing data and draining your resources.

  1. Description of Managed Cloud Computing Services
  2. Responsive load balancing
  3. Complete migration support
  4. Scalable environments
  5. Complete file and image-level backups Scalable environments
  6. Private servers in our SOC II, Type 2 data center
  7. Tier 3 data center support
  8. Best-in-class server hardware
  9. Server and resource virtualization
  10. Dedicated account support
  11. 24x7x365 Remote Monitoring
  12. Preventative maintenance 

What are the benefits of working with a Microsoft Tier 1 Partner?

Working with a Tier 1 Partner removes the confusion or hassle of trying to coordinate multiple Cloud solutions with multiple providers and a support team that will never let you down. eTrepid is the right choice when you have made the decision to move to the cloud. Our technicians understand how stressful times like this can be for your business and we will walk you through each step of the process one step at a time. The end result is far more power for your processes, systems, and applications. eTrepid will determine whether your organization is best served by Public Cloud, Private Cloud or some combination of the two, working with a Microsoft CSP partner means you’ll get the exact solution you need, customized to suit your individual requirements.


Many small businesses like yourself have moved over to Microsoft Azure, we would love to assist you! eTrepid’s team of experts will be more than happy helping you to determine which cloud solution is best for your business needs while assisting you with the migration of everything. We also provide ongoing support and service, with our 24x7x365 Help Desk to ensure availability, performance, reliability, and uptime of your cloud environment.

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